1 | M.Grunwell | 59.03 | 2016-2017 |
2 | M.Phillips | 58.05 | 2013-2014 |
3 | M.Grunwell | 56.93 | 1989-1990 |
4 | E.Grunwell | 56.89 | 2007-2008 |
5 | M.Grunwell | 56.57 | 2018-2019 |
6 | M.Phillips | 56.44 | 2007-2008 |
7 | M.Grunwell | 56.04 | 2013-2014 |
8 | M.Phillips | 55.89 | 2018-2019 |
9 | The Sun | 55.85 | 2016-2017 |
10 | J.Phillips | 55.68 | 2005-2006 |
Mark Grunwell's amazing title-winning 56.93% in the 1989-1990 season looked like it would never be beaten or even challenged, however in 2007-2008 Elliott Grunwell almost did it, when he won the Results League title with 56.89%, just 0.04% behind Mark's record. The magical 57% looked like it would never be beaten and Mark's figure stood for nearly a quarter of a century.
Then in 2013-2014, Mike Phillips not only passed this milestone but demolished Mark's 24 year old record, with 58.05%. That looked like a record that might stand for another quarter century, but within three seasons Mark finished with 59.03%, pushing the figure up by almost a whole percent and reclaiming his top spot as the highest all-time Results League finish.
These top 10 are quite impressive and hard to achieve, all at 55.68% or over. Mark Grunwell has four entries in this exclusive table; Mike Phillips has three. The other amateur entries are Elliott Grunwell and Joyce Phillips with one each. Only one Professional makes the top ten with one entry, The Sun; The Sunday Mail was pushed out of the top ten in 2018-2019.
Complete list of all 50% scores to follow.
Most Seasons Achieving 50% or More
1 | M.Phillips | 17 |
2 | M.Grunwell | 16 |
3 | F.Grunwell | 14 |
4 | G.Grunwell | 13 |
5 | E.Grunwell | 11 |
6 | The Sun | 9 |
| D.Grunwell | 9 |
7 | M.Willing | 8 |
8 | Sunday Express | 6 |
| M.Crossley | 6 |
9 | J.Phillips | 5 |
| K.Mowad | 5 |
10 | B.Roberts-Jones | 4 |
| I.Milligan | 4 |
| W.Hughes | 4 |
11 | S.Almudaris | 3 |
| F.Khalid | 3 |
| M.Lewis | 3 |
| R.Salter | 3 |
| M.Starling | 3 |
| Sunday Times | 3 |
| J.Knight | 3 |
| T.Bammeke | 3 |
12 | D.Boston | 2 |
| J.Grunwell | 2 |
| Daily Mail | 2 |
| Sunday Mail | 2 |
| Sunday Mirror | 2 |
| K.Morgan | 2 |
| D.Thompson | 2 |
| J.Blackford | 2 |
| A.Foster | 2 |
The following have all achieved one season of 50%:
M.Hayas, M.Konfektov, D.Sancto, M.Dourado, Foot Stats (Pro), Rezilta (Pro)
Most Consecutive Seasons Achieving 50% or More
1 | F.Grunwell | 8 |
| M.Grunwell | 8 |
2 | D.Grunwell | 6 |
| Sunday Express | 6 |
3 | J.Phillips | 5 |
4 | M.Crossley | 4 |
| M.Phillips | 4 |
5 | G.Grunwell | 3 |
| M.Lewis | 3 |
| K.Mowad | 3 |
| Sunday Times | 3 |
| M.Willing | 3 |
| E.Grunwell | 3 |
| J.Knight | 3 |
| W.Hughes | 3 |
| T.Bammeke | 3 |
6 | F.Khalid | 2 |
| I.Milligan | 2 |
| Sunday Mirror | 2 |
| R.Salter | 2 |
| S.Almudaris | 2 |
All Time/Career Averages All Time Average is naturally enough based on the number of completed seasons in the top flight (old Division One and current Premier League) Results League. You need two completed seasons to acquire an average.
The problem with the all-time averages method is that for those who have only ever competed in the minimum number of seasons to qualify, they may have an artificially low or high career average.
For example, the 1980s and the early 1990s produced a number of low scoring RL percentage seasons, even for the 'top' predictors, whereas in the 2000s there have been many higher scoring years.
Take as an example, Sami Almudaris who currently has an excellent career average based on five complete seasons from 2016-2017, with 51.28% - in fact, Sami is now number 1 on the all-time career averages of 59 predictors since 1980-1981, both amateur and pro, who have completed more than one season. Members also have to have predicted to within 3 weeks' worth of the end of the season. This adjustment removes all those percentages from members who stopped predicting early in the season or missed too many weeks, giving them an artificially high score.
The earlier years of the FPA, especially the 1980s and 1990s, produced very low Results League percentages, whereas the 2000s, especially the last 5-10 years, has produced much higher percentages - except for these last two seasons affected by the global pandemic.
Compare Sami Almudaris to Mark Grunwell, who has 35 seasons of top flight finishes, and an all-time average of 49.94. But for the same five year period as Sami, Mark''s average is higher at 53.88, because all the low score years from the 1980s-1990s, a disadvantage to long standing member averages, have been removed. It is certainly not an exact science.
Here are all the all-time (formerly called career) averages for amateur and professional predictors who have completed more than one season in the top (Premier) Results League (some members may have spent some of their career time in the former Division One, based on Championship games). Bear in mind the comments as above with the comparison between Sami Almudaris and Mark Grunwell. See all the section below on Four Year Averages.
All Time Averages - percentages and number of completed seasons in brackets (to May 2022 - to be updated in 2024): 1 | Mark Crossley | 51.22 | (7) |
2 | Khalid Mowad | 50.57 | (6) |
3 | Sami Almudaris | 50.30 | (6) |
4 | Fiona Grunwell | 50.10 | (21) |
5 | Mark Grunwell | 50.00 | (36) |
6 | Misha Konfektov | 49.80 | (2) |
7 | Rob Salter | 49.54 | (5) |
8 | Matt Willing | 49.42 | (20) |
9 | Tope Bammeke | 49.30 | (2) |
10 | Elliott Grunwell | 49.16 | (22) |
11 | Sunday Express (UK Newspaper) | 49.14 | (12) |
12 | Moteb Hayas | 49.05 | (4) |
13 | Daniel Grunwell | 49.02 | (16) |
14 | Mike Phillips | 48.94 | (36) |
15 | Matthew Starling | 48.72 | (6) |
16 | Sunday Mail (UK Newspaper) | 48.70 | (14) |
17 | Danny Thompson | 48.56 | (8) |
18 | Ian Milligan | 48.44 | (11) |
19 | Rezilta (Online Tipster) | 48.14 | (3) |
20 | Sunday Mirror (UK Newspaper) | 48.124 | (5) |
21 | Mark Lewis | 48.121 | (8) |
22 | Foot Stats (Online Tipster) | 47.98 | (8) |
23 | Barry Roberts-Jones | 47.90 | (11) |
24 | Glen Grunwell | 47.76 | (34) |
25 | Joseph Grunwell | 47.74 | (5) |
26 | Alan Foster | 47.52 | (5) |
27 | Fakhar Khalid | 47.39 | (7) |
28 | Daily Mail (UK Newspaper) | 47.28 | (12) |
29 | Joyce Phillips | 47.12 | (23) |
30 | Jason Blackford | 47.01 | (7) |
31 | The Sun (UK Newspaper) | 46.97 | (35) |
32 | Will Hughes | 46.84 | (7) |
33 | Tina Keen | 46.20 | (3) |
34 | PredictZ (Online Tipster) | 46.13 | (7) |
35 | Sunday Times (UK Newspaper) | 45.60 | (16) |
36 | Mark Oliver | 45.40 | (3) |
37 | Daily Express (UK Newspaper) | 45.25 | (6) |
38 | Sunday Telegraph (UK Newspaper) | 44.883 | (8) |
39 | Dave Boston | 44.875 | (24) |
40 | Daily Mirror (UK Newspaper) | 44.58 | (10) |
41 | Dave Sancto | 43.952 | (5) |
42 | Arron Springate | 43.945 | (6) |
43 | Khalid Aldhamen | 43.92 | (5) |
44 | Rob Slater | 43.36 | (3) |
45 | Ted Phillips | 43.33 | (3) |
46 | The Telegraph (UK Newspaper) | 43.30 | (7) |
47 | The Sunday People (UK Newspaper) | 43.06 | (9) |
48 | Ken Morgan | 43.03 | (19) |
49 | Richard Wellings | 42.68 | (6) |
50 | News of the World (UK Newspaper) | 42.55 | (10) |
51 | The Independent (UK Newspaper) | 42.33 | (4) |
52 | The Times (UK Newspaper) | 42.30 | (5) |
53 | Darren Sherman | 41.38 | (3) |
54 | Darren Parker | 40.97 | (2) |
55 | Paul Burch | 40.73 | (4) |
56 | Ian Humphries | 40.27 | (4) |
57 | Mike Sherman | 39.99 | (5) |
58 | Dennis Springate | 39.85 | (10) |
59 | Evening Standard (UK Newspaper) | 39.12 | (4) |
60 | Crossfire (TV Tipster) | 38.98 | (2) |
61 | Oracle (TV Tipster) | 38.38 | (5) |
62 | Vic Hatherley | 38.12 | (4) |
The qualification criteria is two complete seasons. Why are there only 62 names when FPA has had over 120 members across all the seasons? Because firstly some members only predicted one season or less (partial season) then left the FPA. Secondly, some members only participated in our lower tier division, in the era when we had a two tier league system (1994 to 2002), never were promoted to the top flight, and left the FPA before we reverted to just one division/league based on EPL only. The 62 names you see above is anyone who completed two years in the top flight, predicting the former Division One and the current Premier League.
Vic Hatherley (Black Horse era) has the lowest all-time career average of both amateur members and all members, with 38.12% from 4 seasons.
Dennis Springate, second from bottom of the amateurs with 39.85% from 10 seasons was on 50% in his comeback season but did not complete the year (due to his son Arron leaving the FPA, and he used to collect Dennis' predictions), else his average would be higher - at least, into the low 40s.
The lowest all-time career average for a professional is Oracle (a former TV teletext-style pundit, along with Crossfire another TV predictor, the second worst professional), with 38.38% from 5 seasons.
It should be noted that Vic, Dennis, Oracle and Crossfire were all active in the late 1980s to the early 1990s, a period when average percentages were much lower than today.
To improve your all-time average, you obviously need to score a higher percentage in a current season than your overall average listed here.
Updated for 2023-2024A better way to look at overall predicting performance is to attempt to standardise finishing year percentages (or 'normalise' in scientific terms) and there's more than one way to do this.
The first way to do a more realistic comparison is to take everyone's results percentage for the last number of consecutive years when new members joined.
For example, we had some new members join FPA in the 2020-2021 season, but they have obviously only completed two seasons so will only have an average based on just the last two years.
So we go back two seasons for the last influx of new members, since two is the minumum we can average for. If no new members joined in the future seasons, we'd compare averages going back the number of seasons that we can compare. Example: let's say the last new FPA members joined five years ago; we could then run a five year average comparing everybody's last five seasons of averages.
Currently two is the furthest we can go back then. The table is smaller since it can only show those who have predicted the last two seasons, but it now looks quite different:
Current Two Year Average (to 2023-2024): 1 | M.Phillips | 52.74 |
2 | J.Knight | 52.70 |
3 | F.Grunwell | 52.34 |
| M.Grunwell | 52.34 |
5 | E.Grunwell | 51.86 |
6 | T.Bammeke | 51.65 |
7 | D.Grunwell | 51.43 |
8 | G.Grunwell | 51.24 |
9 | SoccerVista | 51.11 |
10 | W.Hughes | 50.50 |
11 | M.Crossley | 50.09 |
12 | K.Mowad | 50.03 |
13 | J.Blackford | 49.68 |
14 | A.Foster | 49.11 |
15 | M.Willing | 47.91 |
16 | S.Almudaris | 47.75 |
17 | W.Rajan | 47.51 |
18 | R.Salter | 47.44 |
19 | ForeBet | 47.20 |
20 | M.Starling | 46.84 |
21 | PredictZ | 41.96 |
The second method is to take the two best high scores for each member from all their FPA complete seasons, and compare those with the those who have only completed two years - since apart from the 2021-2022 season, where two new members joined (Jacob Knight and Will Rajan), all current members have predicted two seasons or more. Note that some former member members will show in this table, if they predicted a minimum two seasons
Best Four Seasons Averaged (to 2017-2018): This is still showing old data for four years average and is due to be updated for 2022-2023 season end1 | Mark Grunwell | 57.98 |
2 | Mike Phillips | 57.25 |
3 | Elliott Grunwell | 56.23 |
4 | Joyce Phillips | 55.40 |
5 | Glen Grunwell | 55.21 |
6 | The Sun (Newspaper) | 54.81 |
7 | Fiona Grunwell | 54.63 |
8 | Sunday Mail (Newspaper) | 54.29 |
9 | Matt Willing | 54.05 |
10 | Sunday Express (Newspaper) | 52.78 |
11 | Ian Milligan | 52.64 |
12 | Khalid Mowad | 52.50 |
13 | Danny Thompson | 52.32 |
14 | Sunday Times (Newspaper) | 52.28 |
15 | Will Hughes | 51.21 |
16 | Daniel Grunwell | 51.14 |
17 | Joseph Grunwell | 50.96 |
17 | Sunday Mirror (Newspaper) | 50.96 |
19 | Sami Almudaris | 50.73 |
20 | Dave Boston | 50.72 |
21 | Mark Crossley | 50.71 |
22 | Daily Mail (Newspaper) | 50.69 |
23 | Barry Roberts-Jones | 50.66 |
24 | Ken Morgan | 50.34 |
25 | Rezilta (Online) | 49.84 |
26 | Foot Stats (Online) | 49.28 |
27 | Fakhar Khalid | 49.24 |
28 | Dave Sancto | 48.52 |
29 | Predict Z (Online) | 48.31 |
30 | Daily Express (Newspaper) | 48.30 |
31 | Sunday Telegraph (Newspaper) | 47.70 |
32 | Daily Mirror (Newspaper) | 47.56 |
33 | Tina Keen | 47.42 |
34 | Matthew Starling | 47.35 |
35 | Arron Springate | 47.03 |
36 | The Telegraph (Newspaper) | 47.00 |
37 | News of the World (Newspaper) | 46.60 |
38 | Jason Blackford | 46.50 |
39 | Ted Phillips | 46.33 |
40 | Sunday People (Newspaper) | 46.31 |
41 | Mark Oliver | 46.14 |
42 | The Times (Newspaper) | 45.59 |
43 | Richard Wellings | 44.32 |
44 | The Independent (Newspaper) | 43.90 |
45 | Dennis Springate | 43.16 |
46 | Mike Sherman | 42.90 |
47 | Ian Humphries | 42.41 |
48 | Vic Hatherley | 42.29 |
49 | Darren Sherman | 42.17 |
50 | Paul Burch | 41.79 |
51 | Oracle (TV) | 41.77 |
52 | Darren Parker | 40.97 |
53 | Evening Standard (Newspaper) | 40.70 |
53 | Crossfire (TV) | 39.98 |
A familiar pattern begins to emerge with many of the same names appearing in the top 10 of the last two tables which more accurately reflects overall performance, rather than merely two good seasons of predicting. Now all the long standing members are more accurately compared to those who have predicted only the more recent higher scoring years.
Of course, over time, given enough seasons for the newer members, their averages should equalise, since not every season will be a high scoring (say 50% plus) one.
These latter tables also give a chance for former members with a good predictions history (title winners or regular high placings) such as Joyce Phillips, Barry Roberts-Jones and so on, to be better represented.
As mentioned above, recent seasons, certainly since the 2000s, have been 'easier' to achieve a higher season's score, evidenced by all the 50%+ years. This puts good predictors no longer with us (either left the FPA or passed away) at a disadvantage as they can obviously never improve their average; likewise, current members who predicted through many 'lean' seasons of the 1980s and 1990s need a better way to be compared with more recent members to the FPA who have had two or more good years.
This means there are past predictors who were very good at it (such as Barry Roberts-Jones and Joyce Phillips) still come out poorly in any comparison with today, even using two year averages.
The best way to compare then is not in absolute values but in relative ones. A better indicator of how good someone's RL season was is to work out the average for the Results League for each table of the last day of each season. Then work out how many % above the average the winner was. We can get an overall average of a member's average above or below the background average. This would give us a 'standardized' way to compare past and present member performances regardless of whether it was a higher or lower scoring season. These stats will appear here in time.
Finally, this one is more for fun and interest. Instead of individuals, all family/related winners grouped, including husband/wife 'teams'. Obviously there needs to be a minimum of two family members, and a minimum of one title win, to get into this table.
TOP Families
1 | Grunwell | 126 |
2 | Phillips | 49 |
3 | Springate | 8 |
4 | Wallbank | 3 |
5 | Williams | 1 |
| Sherman | 1 |
| Keohane/Slater | 1 |
1: Mark (60), Fiona (24), Glen (20), Elliott (10), Daniel (10), Joseph (2)
2: Mike (34), Joyce (14), Ted (1)
3: Arron (4), Dennis (4)
4: Matt (3), Mark (0)
5: Tony (1), Neil (0)
5: Darren (1), Mike (0)
5: Nina Keohane (1), Rob Slater (0)